I feel rather insomnious right now. I'm taking a massive nap after the test later today. I can't believe I stayed up all night :(
Me. It's all about me here.

- Daren
- NY, United States
- My name is Daren. I currently attend LECOM in Bradenton, FL. This is currently my 4th year of med school. I created this blog to post my thoughts about medical school. And because I rock. Boom. So please, come make yourself at home and enjoy my musings. If you are easily offended by things (ie sarcasm, being politically incorrect, etc) then I suggest you evacuate the immediate vicinity :)
Monday, December 13, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
I can't wait for Christmas break...
Ugh, so studying is blowing horse manure-covered pygmy marmoset testicles right now. I can't focus because I'm so excited for break, seeing the family, friends, and have some good beer. Well, in light of a couple new trades established today, I did a little bit of shopping. Check it out. Woot!
6 x CCB Marshal Zhukov
3 x CCB Humidor Jai Alai
2 x CCB Bolita Brown
2 x CCB Guava Grove
2 x Ommegang Adoration
1x4 Holy Mackerel Mack in Black
1x6 Monk in the Trunk Amber
1x6 CCB Jai Alai
1x4 Terrapin Big Hoppy Monster
1x6 CCB Maduro Brown
1x6 Flying Fish Trippel
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Happy post-Thanksgiving!
Well this break went by way too fast. Did some studying on the first day back, then for a little more the 2nd day (Tuesday) but frickin a, I'm leaving on a jet plane tomorrow morning and I haven't done shit. *sigh* Well, at least the days were well spent. Here's what I did:
Monday - got home at 11:15pm because the damn plane was delayed and people are inefficient at boarding and exiting aircraft.
Tuesday - studied all day
Wednesday - studied most of the day, did some grocery shopping
Thursday - stuffed my face
Friday - saw Harry Potter, stuffed my face at Chili's, then went to MacGregor's
Saturday - beer tasting with some friends, stuffed my face at the Cantonese House, then chilled
Eff, and it's not even a full week. This is one thing that absolutely blows about med school is that your breaks suck balls epically. Can't wait for Christmas...
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
I'm sooooooo excited...
to go home for Thanksgiving. Screw this Florida crap. I need my snow, turkey, corn, and beer. And various other things too :P
Pharmacology is so ksjdbovsjbvojwbhvo I don't really care about corticosteroids. I want a nice Russian Imperial Stout or a Geuze or something...
mmm fig bars :D
Current music: Eisley - Invasion
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Ein gutes Nacht
Not sure if that's proper grammar auf Deutsch or not but whatever. I think tonight was much needed. Studied all day, went out food and clothes shopping, went home, put on some good music and made pizza, had some Sam Adams Double Bock, and rounding up the night with a couple glasses of ruby port and dark chocolate. Can't say I feel guilty for not studying as much as I should for the quiz tomorrow, but I think I needed this. Been having some emo days lately.
Current Music: Kelly Clarkson (yes, I know, laugh at me) - Already Gone
Friday, November 5, 2010
Good golly...
So I passed. WORD. Boom eat it. But not with flying colors though. But yeah, I'm just happy it's over. Time for some *me* time :)
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Effing a
Ok so that was painful. Like, my nuts hurt type of painful. I've never hated embryology so much. So many "WTF mate?!" type of questions. So now I'm gonna clean the kitchen, rock out, and go have a pint. To hell with it all!
Twas the night before the exam...
And I've been putting in 13 hour days of studying for the past week. Time to rock and roll. With some Infected Mushroom. If you haven't heard of them, you suck and you need to look them up. And now it's time for bed. 8 am exams are emo, especially if they're 4 hour exams covering 20 chapters.
Oh by the way, I drank a liter of cold brewed coffee and a Monster energy drink today. And I'm running on 2.5 hours of sleep. Hip hip hooray. *zoinggggg* :)
Oh by the way, I drank a liter of cold brewed coffee and a Monster energy drink today. And I'm running on 2.5 hours of sleep. Hip hip hooray. *zoinggggg* :)
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