A most invigorating and marvelous morning to all. Actually, it's kinda crappy right now. AC broke yesterday and it's pretty close to 80°F inside. Not appreciating that. Especially since I have to wait until Monday to get it fixed. Ugh. There is no curse in Entish, Elvish, or the tongues of Men bad enough for such treachery.
Those who know me personally know my thoughts on psychiatry. But I am not here to parlay semantics or opinions on the matter. My time in psychiatry was brief, albeit somewhat interesting. I was at Manatee Glens in Bradenton. I found the hours there promising (maybe 10am-1 or 2pm) and I did not have to do much. Ideal. We interviewed new consults in the morning, waited for the attending to show up (chatting with the case manager in the meantime), and did lightning-style rounds with him. And that was pretty much it. No weekends. I was there with some of my classmates, which made being in a nuthouse slightly more tolerable. I did see some pretty cool cases. Disorganized schizo, paranoid schizo, manic depressives, bipolars, depression, etc... I felt bad for these people. Not because much of it was their own doing in poor choices, but because of their utter hopelessness and despair that no medication or counsel can repent. It was profound to see these beings in their state.
Speaking of psych, is anyone else as sick of hearing about the Zimmerman case as I am? Seriously, whenever something happens that makes the public media, everyone suddenly becomes an expert in the topic and thinks their opinions are law. It's sad, really. Here's a synopsis of the case:
1. We don't know what really happened.
2. People think they know what really happened.
3. Even if people don't know what happened, they convince themselves that certain justices should be taken.
4. #3 is based on pure emotion and bias.
5. People are now flipping out because their opinion on the outcome of the case is not to their liking.
6. People forget that they were not present at the crime scene or the court.
7. Stuff like this happens all the time. Climb out of your baby crib and welcome to the real world.
Anyway, I'm hungry. Enough about psychiatry, petty politics, and social media. Time to make breakfast. Boom.
Me. It's all about me here.

- Daren
- NY, United States
- My name is Daren. I currently attend LECOM in Bradenton, FL. This is currently my 4th year of med school. I created this blog to post my thoughts about medical school. And because I rock. Boom. So please, come make yourself at home and enjoy my musings. If you are easily offended by things (ie sarcasm, being politically incorrect, etc) then I suggest you evacuate the immediate vicinity :)
I think you're awesome. Boom. lol